You may decide to transfer your loved ones to a nursing home or assisted living facility as they grow older and seek assistance from an experienced caretaker. It is upsetting enough to leave your loved ones to care to a stranger, while it is more distressing to imagine that they might encounter abuse.
In the United States, far too many elderly people suffer abuse and neglect, and the types of abuse they might encounter vary significantly. You must speak out for them. If your loved ones experience abuse in a nursing home, immediately contact a nursing home abuse lawyer in Des Moines.
How can you prevent elder abuse in nursing homes?
Of course, abuse is never the victim’s blame, but there is no absolute route to stop it from happening. But if you are prepared, you can do all in your power to keep your aging loved one safe, & if there is any kind of an emergency, you are educated enough on what to do & where to go for legal guidance.
- Stay informed
You can readily spot elder abuse and neglect if you have an understanding of the warning signs. It helps to be ready for the moments that follow, realizing you may be the target of abuse by knowing what to do.
You are responsible for holding nursing homes and other facilities that accommodate senior citizens accountable for their negligent acts. Participate actively in choosing a nursing home and keep an eye out for signs of abuse.
- Keep in touch
Schedule as many calls and visits as possible to esure a pleasant relationship with your aging loved one. Staying connected will not only help the senior see you as a confidant and advocate, but it additionally gives you plenty of chance to watch for any changes that could indicate abuse.
- Engage in an active and social lifestyle.
Whether it is forced or self-inflicted, isolation is a serious issue with lasting effects. When feasible, encourage seniors to participate in community events, attend religious services, and socialize with friends.
Like everyone else, a healthy lifestyle is also essential to this age group. Urge senior citizens to join fitness clubs and go for walks whenever possible.
- Take note of financial changes.
Elder abuse and financial exploitation are hazardous for seniors. In your role as an advocate, encourage them to manage their money individually whenever feasible, especially when they need help from friends or family. Warn senior citizens about the postal, phone, or Internet scams that might fool them.
Contact a lawyer
If you suspect that your loved one is getting abused and neglected, contact a nursing home abuse lawyer immediately.