About Us

Diary Entry Format is an Educational website about writing your personal experience, some incident, or a situation. The Diary can be written in any language including English and Hindi. Writing diary has been highlighted in Education in India. For more information, visit our homepage to see the proper format, samples and examples both formal and informal.

Site Authors

My Name is Asif Awan. I have completed my Bachelor’s degree in computer science and decided to start a blog to help the students. My major interest is in Computer programming, Networking, writing techniques, and educational blogs. I’ve spent 7 years learning, improving my English skills (reading, listening, writing), and sharing my experience in the blog(s). I am the author of 5 different blogs including tech, education, and general information. My life was all about how to groom myself, progress in software development, and take care of my parents.

I have also written many blog posts on IELTS and Education websites including other topics of my interest. Now, working as a freelancer and running my side business as well. Basically, I am a multi-talented software engineer, web developer, and hosting provider. If you need any of my help, please leave a comment on my blog posts at https://diaryentryformat.org.

What We Cover

On this site, we are talking about the fundamentals of dairy writing, what is dairy writing, how to write a dairy, and the English language. Moreover, we are covering these topics related to writing.

  • Personal diary writing & its benefits
  • Journal entry formats and samples
  • How to start & maintain a diary
  • Exams preparation schedule
  • CBSE formats
  • and much more.

Content Quality

All the Educational content on this website is well researched, improved, and meets the national or international standards of Education. If you need more information about a particular class or educational institute, please let me know by filling out the contact form.